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On March 29, 1936, the first adopted by-laws of the Heels of Cheyenne Frontier Days were drawn up by then Leather Heel, Ed Storey, who hand wrote the original by-laws on a sheet of 1930 Cheyenne Frontier Days letterhead. Although they have been revised and updated through the years, the by-laws still serve as the index as to how the organization will function.  The HEELS by-laws call for a governing committee of three officers, Leather Heel (President), Rubber Heel (Vice-President) and Run-Down Heel (Secretary/ Treasurer). 


The by-laws also establish the number and term of active HEELS, specify the term of officers, requirements, and status of membership, when general membership meetings will be held, eligibility for election into the organization and a process for amending the by-laws.

With the escalating popularity of rodeo, western celebrations and the increased level of activity on every committee within Cheyenne Frontier Days, the HEELS’ responsibilities continued to grow. 


Today, as the challenges of Cheyenne Frontier Days change in complexion and size, members of the HEELS organization, in their usual volunteer manner, continue to rise to the occasion and assist Cheyenne Frontier Days and it’s corps of volunteers, however, they are asked. This effort by members of the HEELS is an earnest commitment to help ensure that Cheyenne Frontier Days remains the premier event that history will record it as being.

P.O. Box 2477 | Cheyenne, WY | 82003-2477

© 2020 by The HEELS of Cheyenne Frontier Days

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